Saturday 16 February 2008

17/02/08 - forthcoming releases update, new alias?

Thanks to geobal79 on the forums for a wonderful translation of the interview in Freeze magazine. This is the first real interview they've done during this post-Alice era of the band and it's pretty enlightening (ie we're not getting the same questions/answers as every post-Isness interview seemed to contain).
The full interview will be in our press section soon, but you can read it on the forums now. A quick recap of the interesting news regarding forthcoming releases below (all penned for 'this year'):

Two DJ mix albums: one by Amorphous Androgynous (probably the Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble project), one by FSOL - this is the first thing we've heard about the FSOL one so it could be long in the future.

The Peppermint Tree & Other Seeds will be restored and newly recorded/mixed stuff, unlike the forthcoming Amorphic Archives, which will simply be untouched archived tracks.

There will be another Amorphous Androgynous album, along with another FSOL album.

Alias releases may come to FSOLDigital from time to time.

Those new tracks - Peppermint Tree is definitely related to Guru Song, to verify the Isness credits. Tiny Space Birds and KattaPilla are typical AA instrumental jam tracks, very Alice In Ultraland, similar also to Coconut and Wendover Woods (remember them?). And Oblivion... all we can say is 'James Bond film theme tune'.

A final little thing for you, this may be of interest. No real clues as to exactly what it is, but it's worth keeping an eye on.